HL2+ Accessories

Links to accessories for the Hermes Lite 2 Plus

1. Power Switch for HL2+ rear panel.  Included in the Version 4.0 Kit: 

Power Switch 

2. Pigtail cable with SMA bulkhead connector for Pure Signal input:

Pigtail for Pure Signal

3. DB9-M Connector for V3.3 Kits:

DB9-M Solder Cup Connector 

4. Microphone/PTT Adapter Cables:

3.5mm TRS Plug to 2) RCA Jack Adapter Cable

3.5mm TRS Plug to 2) 3.5mm TS Jack Adapter Cable

For XLR microphones, an XLR to RCA 6 foot cable for use with the first adapter above:

Amazon XLR Jack to RCA Plug Cable

SOLD OUT: HL2+ 55mm Case Front End Plate